Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Not Only A Figure Maker.....

Along with being a figure maker I also perform. Here is my set from general open mic at the 2012 ventriloquist convention.  I hope you all enjoy!!

Ok, now back to the workshop!!!!

Best regards,

Mike Palma

Friday, May 11, 2012

Getting ready for the " ConVention"!!

It has been some time since I have posted, but I have been busy in the workshop finishing ordered figures and finishing figures to take to the 2012 Ventriloquist Convention in Kentucky. Along with figures, I will be bringing "The Hipster" for walk around venting and I plan on performing my act in the General Open Mic. Yes, to say I am busy is an understatement, but once the convention is over, I hope to get back to a normal weekly blog if not more the once a week. So until then, I will try to post what and when I can!

Best regards,
Mike Palma

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Up and Running!!!!

It has been a little while since I last posted, but there is a good reason! I've been busy performing, building figures and having a New web site built! Yes!!! My web site is finished and i'd like share it with all of you, so here it is!!
I hope you enjoy my new site and I look forward to adding a few more characters later this year!
As for me, back to the ventriloquist workshop! I gotta get figures done for the convention this year!!!

Best regards,

Mike Palma